Thursday, May 31, 2012

Mentioning of Dreams, a False Achievement, and a Dissection

I had a strange dream last night. All of my dreams are so strange. Then again, who doesn't have strange dreams? I can hardly remember what happened in the dream now, all I know is that it was weird. I only consider my dreams to be odd because of the people who appear in them. 

This information is irrelevant, but according to my dreams I have a crush on a guy that I know of but don't personally know; that was another dream altogether. For the first time ever, I had a dream in which I was bleeding; again, this is NOT the dream I mentioned in the very beginning but I feel like sharing part of it. An old friend from my middle school years had stabbed (I don't want to use this word, but I can't think of anything else better at the moment) my middle finger, my index finger, and my thumb with a knife (actually poke is more of an accurate word); my thumb bled and I wiped the blood on his face and shirt. Weird stuff.

I like my dreams though, for the most part anyway. Dreams are a whole other world where anything is possible. Even if I stop seeing people in person, I can meet them in my dreams. I can't meet them by choice, but the right people are always shown or mentioned for each and every dream that I've had and remember.

Time to talk about what happened in school. I really feel the need to mention this because it bothers me so much. Today, I found myself in the auditorium walking up to the stage to accept an award for outstanding student in U.S. History from Mrs. Andrews. When I shook her hand, it felt all wrong. I did nothing to deserve that award. I want to appreciate the fact that I got the award but I can't. Sadly, I'm not passionate about history. I'd like to be but I'm just not. I don't understand why I received that award, all I know is that I am undeserving of it. I hope that I can learn to be passionate about history someday. I'm not a history girl, but I'd like for that to change just a bit. 

The most exciting part of today was anatomy. Big surprise, right? We got the chance to dissect fetal pigs. It was really cool and actually made sense. The fetal pigs were bigger than I expected them to be, I thought they'd be a lot smaller than they actually were. I had the honor of touching the heart, the liver, and one of the lungs. I also got to poke the brain. Those piggies have huge lungs. The liver was a remarkable size too. I think it's bizarre how excited I was during the dissection. Dissections almost seem cruel. It's as if it's some form of entertainment and enjoyment for us. I won't lie, I do enjoy dissections. I don't care if that makes me seem cruel, it's all to satisfy my curiosity and love for science. Dissections amaze me. I can't wait until I get to dissect a cat!

Side Notes:
- Maybe I'll share one of my crazy dreams one of these days 
- I love Billy Andrews! (Yes, I call him Billy. I picked up that habit from my sister.)
- R.I.P. Babe and George

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