Wednesday, May 9, 2012

First Blog Post

I've been thinking about graduation for a long time, not so much my own as much as the graduation of my fellow seniors. I never really cared much in my freshman or sophomore year, so why do I care so much now? My own cousin and a few friends graduated last year, but it didn't sink in, it didn't bother me. I was fine with them graduating. 

I guess it bothers me more now because I am a junior. I'm one year closer to graduation myself. I've realized that once the current seniors go, I'll finally be a senior. I don't want to be sad about them leaving, but I can't lie to myself about this, I know I'm sad. I don't want them to leave. While it's true that I don't know all of them, some of them are still very important to me. I'm afraid of losing them, even the ones that I don't know anything about. I hate having that feeling. 

Oh, and people tick me off. I don't understand why we have to find fault in each other. We can't just hug and hold hands and get along, can we?  

On a happier note, I got the chance to talk to someone I've wanted to talk to for a while now. I need to be more social. And tomorrow is bound to be a good day, no matter what.  

...I caved, I created a long will this last? 

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