Thursday, May 10, 2012

Being a Crybaby

I'm too emotional. I hate that. I cry too easily. I hate that. Why do simple words with no intent to hurt make the tears fall? It was nothing worth crying over. But I can still hear that exchange, the idea of it at least -- "Where do we put her?" / "You won't be here during this time." The moment was something like that. I got teary-eyed over something stupid. I'm pretty sure they knew that I cried, or would end up crying. Luckily, I don't think anyone saw. I feel stupid for crying over something so trivial. It's not my fault that I can't be in the library everyday anymore...

Of course, I cheered up in anatomy. No matter how bad a day is, anatomy helps my mood..well most of the time. "Do you speak British?" / "Who invented the heart?"

I stayed after school today to get some help with work that I missed earlier on in the school year. It felt nice to stay after today. I was able to absorb some information and chat with my teacher. I cried for the second time that day. I couldn't help it, because of what we ended up discussing. I cried because my teacher said something along the lines of me being a miracle, being a survivor. I haven't talked enough in person about what I experienced. The subject of being a transplant patient has always been touchy for me. It's hard for me not to cry when I think about those days. No one ever asks about the story, but I don't mind either way. I'm still here and that's all that matters.

1 comment:

  1. I am too emotional too. I wish I weren't but in the same breath I take it back. I couldn't quite articulate it until you said this - "Some people say that those who cry a lot are weak but the truth is that they're not, the truth is that they can speak with their heart instead of just speaking with words. - Fawzia Bhatty" It was perfect. Thank you!
