Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Wants and Dreams

I've been thinking a lot recently about what I want in life. I've realized that while I don't have a real future mapped out for myself or anything along the lines of that, there's still much that I want to try, to learn, to accomplish, to feel, to make, etc. Ready to hear this long list? Err, I mean see...ready to see this long list?

What I want/dream of for myself:
- Confidence, to believe in who I am
- Independence, to do things on my own without having someone by my side every second
- To feel every emotion that I can, not just happiness and sadness
- To look back on all the fun times I've had and be able to smile instead of crying my eyes out
- To have no regrets or very few if I do at all
- To accept the gift that was given to me and understand that it is mine now (thanks to a few special people, I'm well on my way to fully accepting it)
- To be more understanding of others and be able to understand them a little better
- To be less of a socially awkward person
- To continue to be a creeper, because it's what I'm best at
- To never stop loving 
- To remember all that I can
- To appreciate the people around me more
- To live a life full of happiness and joy, sadness and hurt, anger and annoyance, disappointment, curiosity, pain, and above all, love.

What I want/dream of for my friends:
- A future that satisfies them
- To experience and feel all emotions on their own and not through others
- To understand that life and people are precious
- To let them know that I wouldn't be who I am without each and every one of them

What I want to do/dream of doing: 
- To learn how to drive (yes, I can't drive)
- To learn how to ride a bike (yes, I don't know how to ride a bike)
- To learn how to swim (yeah, I don't know how to do anything, haha)
- To ride on a plane again
- To go sledding with Matthew, Paul, and Elizabeth 
- To have a snowball fight with a group of friends
- To go to New York with Matthew, Paul, and Elizabeth like we planned to
- To go to an anime convention (with Alley, Taylor, Lauren, Kasey, Haley, and Tianhui; not all at once of course...but that would be fun!)
- To cosplay (just once in my life)
- To beat Anh in one round of DDR (this might just remain a dream, haha)
- To hang out with Casey and Deepak (Tomy) every now and then (it will happen, it must...please?) 
- To have an anatomy group reunion 
- To write handwritten letters to a friend (I promise that I'll do this)
- To watch The Grudge with Brittany and Gee (this will be interesting) 
- To go out for cheesecake with Allie
- To go on long walks with friends and hold hands
- To talk on the phone with a friend for hours and hours
- To "dance" in the rain
- To have a cheesy typical romance moment occur (just once!)

This is all that I can think of at the moment, there will be more to come later. I realize that a lot of what I want to do/dream of doing involves the here and now. I'm sure it'll change as time passes, but I like my lists for now. I didn't include anything about my family in this one because I felt like I needed to dedicate this more towards myself and my friends.

I decided that I don't like this anymore. Too sappy, even for me. But I'll keep it here anyway because it is the honest truth. These are things that I want to do or dream of doing. Still, I need to write about something that's not sappy for a change. Maybe my hatred of Day 1s? Too weak? I'll think of something...

I'm silly, that's all.

1 comment:

  1. Here's some ideas!:
    -Pinkie Toes And Their Uses
    -Left Socks
    -Uni Corns (A unit of measurement in which a single piece of corn is a uni-corn.)
    -The merits of taping the word "Dumble" upon a door and the scientific observations that follows it.
