Friday, May 18, 2012

Helping Out

Something very special happened today. I was finally able to be of use to someone, that someone being Mrs. Strosnider. She is a teacher so I find it strange that I was of any help at all.

Mrs. Strosnider was having trouble with a personal issue, I'm not sure what else to call it besides that. She was having trouble making a decision, and I was able to help. I don't consider myself to be good with giving advice at all. I'm the person that screws things up because of what I say, or at least it feels that way. I guess I can give advice when it's not an issue relevant to me.

I've been told a few times that I'm wise beyond my years; Mrs. Strosnider said that today. I kept telling her that it wasn't true, I'm just a teenager with raging hormones. I guess I have a tendency to say things that people find comfort or strength in. I don't fully understand it. I won't be able to understand being "wise beyond my years" until I'm older. As a junior in high school, I'm not old enough to appreciate a compliment like that.

It feels so good when someone tells you that you've helped them. I don't get that a lot. I feel like I'm always the one asking the questions, most of them stupid, and receiving answers from others. I was so overjoyed when Mrs. Strosnider told me that I helped her make the decision. It wasn't an easy decision for her to make. From an outsider's perspective, it would seem that her decision was trivial, but it really wasn't. I wasn't in her shoes with all of her emotions, but I still understood why it was such an important decision for her to make.

Needless to say, I was happy...and then I left her room to go to Mrs. Britton's room, which I deeply regret now. Why? Two words: meanie substitute.

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