Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Valuing People

Today, I noticed that one of my friends, Rida, posted a very thought provoking status. Her status was this: When you start giving someone too much importance in your life, you tend to lose your value in their life. Strange but true. Other than your parents and close family. After I saw that, I thought about how true it kind of is. 

These are the three things that describe me when it comes to my close (and sometimes not so close) friendships/relationships with others: clingy, attached, & overly affectionate. I'm guilty of giving people too much importance, I'm aware that I do it. But what can I do when that's just the way I am? 

Just how much value have I lost in the lives of those people that I care about so much? I want to be valued just as much as the next person does. Isn't that what we all want though, to be valued, to feel important? I guess I overdo it, but I think it's because I'm afraid. I'm afraid of losing people. Not a day of school goes by when I don't see someone that I used to be close to and wonder if they want to be friends again. I've realized over and over again that I can't hold onto everyone.

Do others value me as much as I value them? Honestly, I don't think so. I value other people too much, more than I should probably, in comparison to how much they value me. That's fine with me though. I need to learn to not smother people with my affections, because I know it will backfire on me since it's happened before. If I don't learn how to do that then I'm going to lose people who have become so important to me. 


  1. I want to be friends again! :(

  2. The trick is this. Give and give until you can't give anymore. And when you give, don't expect anything in return. When you do this, you will feel a hundred times better. Expectations is what hurts us. This doesn't mean you shouldn't have any but when you give because you want to and you can't help it and not wait for anything its an awesome feeling. Because at the chance that your giving is reciprocated, it feels like magic.
