Monday, June 4, 2012

Comfortable Day

Today was a pretty wonderful day; there's only one and half days of school left. I'm sad that this year is ending, but I'm happy because it happened. Today is one of those days that I'll try to remember for a long time. 

During first block in CIS II, we spent most of our time goofing on and chatting, like we usually always do. And by we, I mean the following people: Casey, Cassy, Marie, Ashley, Loganne, Jordan, and myself. Oh, and Mrs. Bodenschatz of course. Towards the end of class, Loganne decided to present her PowerPoint project and that sparked a chain reaction. Cassy, Casey, and Jordan presented after her. I think I'm going to present on Wednesday because it is something fun and I don't feel shy around these people. I'm free to be who I am around them. 

Second block was amazing. We watched some more of The Great Gatsby and had a good time laughing at Daisy and making fun of all of the kissing between her and Gatsby. That movie is so goofy and Daisy is just stupid. We all can't wait until the new movie comes out. It looks like it'll be a good movie. Needless to say, AP English 11 has been awesome. My class is perfect. 

Sixth period was good too. I talked to Mrs. Strosnider like I usually do and chatted with Libby S. for a bit. Mrs. Strosnider still can't believe how fast the year has gone and I can't either. Junior year has passed by so fast. Anyway, Libby and I were chatting with Mrs. Strosnider about SOLs, GPAs, valedictorians, and the like. It was fun. 

And last but not least, ANATOMY! There were only four of us today, including me. It was me, Casey, Deepak (Tomy), and Mikayla. While Mikayla was making up a test, the three of us blew bubbles for a little bit. Blowing bubbles made me feel like a little kid again. I'm tempted to go look around the house now to see if I can find some bubbles. I spent, or rather wasted, a bunch of time trying to find Billy Andrews. He's really difficult to find, and yet he always appears at the most random times. I got fed up with trying to find him so I just gave up and went back to Mrs. Britton's room. And for part of the class after that, the three of us chatted while Mikayla played Minecraft and Mrs. Britton graded papers and laughed at videos that she was watching. We ended up watching anime together, which was cool. I'm actually glad that it was only the four of us. Of course, it would have been nice if Andy showed up but I know that he's not coming anymore. It'll just be the four of us again on Wednesday. I'm not complaining though, I like it that way. 

The next day and a half will be fun. Then, I have graduation to look forward to. And then, going to the movies with Alexa and some people. After that, I don't really have any plans.  I'm sure I'll make plans though. 

Side Note:
- I never talk about what goes on at lunch. Well, nothing too out of the ordinary happened today except I got rid of all of that junk food. Alley, Taylor, Gee...I love those three.
- I haven't been taking that many pictures. I'll be okay without them though. I'll remember what I can for as long as I can. Whatever I don't remember, I'll trust that my classmates and friends will. I'll remember this year for as long as I can.

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