Tuesday, June 5, 2012

The Last Day 1 of Junior Year

Well, today was the last Day 1 of my junior year. Now, you might be expecting me to rant about how much I hate Day 1s, but I'm not going to since it is the last one of this school year. Today was actually a pretty good day for the most part. I'm just going to blab about my day, like I usually do.

I stopped by the auditorium to say hi to Kasey, Megan, and Lauren. Then, I went to the library and met with my weirdos and somehow found myself sitting and talking with Emily. I was turned around for one second and all of a sudden Deepak (Tomy) appeared and then Nathan joined shortly after. I didn't really contribute to the conversation at that point. Claire came by and asked me to sign her yearbook so I did. And then the bell rang for first block.

Right before first block began, I saw Everly walking in the hallway and decided to go over to her. I think I was saying her name in that really affectionate voice, which people find creepy. She said something along the lines of "Begone, back to the abyss" as I was "chasing" her. My response to that was something like "I'm not from the abyss, I love you."  As expected, there were people who didn't show. We just ended up watching a movie, the Ernest Green something. We didn't get to finish it, but it was a nice movie. It almost brought me to tears. My last day of history went well.

After first block, I went to take my morning meds and hurry off to the library. Alexa, Deepak (Tomy), Aarti, Sidney, and I watched Mean Girls! Since I arrived a little late, I didn't get to see the beginning but neither did Sidney. I've already seen the movie before though. I honestly really love that movie. My favorite part in the movie is this: "Do you even go here?"//"No...I just have a lot of feelings." Ah, it's such a great movie. I love the ending of it too. I completely forgot that Janis and Kevin get together, haha. Such a weird couple but so great! 

Study hall was amusing today. Jon and Hubert were having a "sword" fight. Their choice of weaponry was two long rolls of gift wrapping paper. Taylor recorded it while I happily snapped pictures with my camera. Needless to say, study hall was great. Lunch was also great. I signed DeAndre's "yearbook" with a message that I think he enjoyed. I've been learning the ways of the dark side from him, haha. He has taught me well. He even said something like "The torch has been passed" and that made me feel proud.

During 6B, I found out my final grade for anatomy. I got an A- for the year, which I'm happy about. All I wanted was an A of some sort and I got it. I chatted with Mrs. Britton until it was time for last block. I always love chatting with her. I wish I could have stayed longer and continued that conversation. If I'm lucky enough, I'll be able to pick back up with it during 6B tomorrow. I'm going to miss chatting with her. I'll have to start catching her after school next year so we can still chat.

Last block almost ruined my day, because Mrs. Bodenschatz wouldn't let me go see Alley. I was really looking forward to being in Latin with her today so she wouldn't have to be alone. Instead, I ended up playing Illusia 2 on my iPad and listening to music. It still turned out to be a good day despite that. 

When I got on the bus, I noticed Matthew in the back and secretly said "YES!" inside my head. He drives to school sometimes so I was happy to see him on the bus today; I gave him a hug. I told him that we'll probably hang out over the summer to which he said something like "We better" and that really made me happy. I definitely will be seeing him over the summer, and Elizabeth (his twin sister) and Paul too. I have to see them at least once. We live so close by to each other that I'm sure I'll be seeing them. 

Today was a wonderful day. I don't know why but some time either after first block or second block, the only thought I had was this: Everything is sparkling. No, I wasn't on anything and I wasn't actually seeing sparkles. I'm not sure how to explain what I mean, but I could just feel the air sparkling. It doesn't make any sense and I probably sound like I've been using some drug but this is how today felt. My last Day 1 of my junior year sparkled. I hope tomorrow shines.

Side Note: 
- I swear I'm not on drugs...

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