Wednesday, June 6, 2012

The End of Junior Year

Today was the last Day 2 of my junior year. First block, everyone just chatted. I snapped a few pictures. And Jordan inspired us all; he's such a kindhearted guy. Second block, we watched Hercules, haha. During 5th period, I went to study hall for a bit then went to take my meds. I met DeAndre in the hallway as I was walking back towards my study hall and we went to the library. Gee joined us after a short time and we discussed our plans for hanging out after school with everyone; I had to call Alley and be sure of the plan, haha. Then Brittany and Sarah appeared out of nowhere. It's been so long since I've seen Sarah so I was really happy to see her, but her hugs really hurt. I went to chat with Mrs. Strosnider during 6th period like I usually do. Then last block, I got to relive a part of my freshman...that photosynthesis song by N-Science, haha. Overall, my last day of junior year was great...but not as great as what followed.

A group of friends and I met up at Sherando Park to hang out, basically just eating, chatting, and playing around. The people who were there (at one point or another) were: Alley, Taylor, DeAndre, Gee, Kaira, Jack, Lauren, Megan, Hubert, Cali, and Cristian. Megan and Lauren didn't end up staying for the food, they went to Kasey's house instead. While everyone else went off to shop for the food and stuff, Megan, Gee, Lauren, and I were chatted about some stuff. The four of us saw Jon and Kyle; Jon was biking and Kyle was skateboarding. I shouted something like "Hey losers!" to them and then Jon said something about how they weren't losers, haha. I fixed that by saying, "I love you guys" to them.

Later on, I watched Cali, Cristian, Hubert, and Jack play Ninja. It was really funny. Alley and Taylor jumped in for the second round. Then Cali, Alley, and I had a short round of Ninja; it's a fun game but it's hard to play since I'm a slow person, haha. The seven of us then proceeded to go by the lake and walk around and just goof off with each other. We tried skipping rocks, which didn't work out so well. We were just standing around when Jack's mum showed up...with a kitten! He got a kitten for his birthday! We all stood there saying 'awwwww' and petting the kitten; I love kittens. After that, we walked back to the cars and I got dropped off at home. Everyone else is probably at Jack's house right now...with the kitten! I wish I could be there with them, but I have class tonight so I can't.

Today didn't sparkle. Today was shining. I'm not upset about my junior year being over. I'm having fun and making lots of memories with people I really care about. My summer is going to be amazing. I can't wait for what's to come.

Side Notes:
- I hugged Jack; he's so adorable.
- The torch has been passed and it burns strongly. I will not let DeAndre down.

1 comment:

  1. I was sort of invited to go to the park with everyone, but I didn't have a ride and I couldn't get one because my phone fails. :(
