Tuesday, June 12, 2012

The Red Violin

I was on Netflix late last night because I was bored. I was initially going to watch another episode of Roswell, but I didn't feel up for it and instead browsed through the romance section. That was when I found it: The Red Violin. 

It's not one of those cheesy, typical romance movies, but it's still a romantic tale. The Red Violin is told in an interesting way. It's in chronological order with a few flashes here and there tied to the past and present. I can't find the words to explain what the movie is about without giving it away or causing people to lose interest. I will say this though, it is now one of my favorite movies. 

The Red Violin has given me an appreciation for the violin and I've come to the realization that the violin is truly a beautiful instrument. However, I don't wish to play it. I would not be well suited to play it. 

I said that I wouldn't explain the movie, but I kind of lied. There are some points of the 1998 movie that I want to highlight. I really loved the usage of the tarot cards in the explanation of the red violin. Each story was done well. Although, I must say that I thought the third story was odd; I wasn't aware that musical inspiration could be conjured up by sexual means. My favorite story was the first, when the violin was crafted, when Anna heard her future from Cesca. I never realized where the lovely red colour (it's prettier when it's spelled with a 'u') of the violin came from until the movie neared the end; I thought that was an amazing scene. The violin playing almost constantly throughout the movie was a very nice touch.

I may not be a good critic when it comes to movies, but I do know that this one was absolutely exquisite in both the story and the music. This movie was a true love story. Even if you're not passionate about music, I'd still recommend the movie. I'm sorry that I cannot explain the movie, it's one of those that you have to watch to understand. Well, that's all my opinion of course.

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