Tuesday, August 21, 2012


This morning, I started reading a manga called Orange. There's only four chapters so far and I only managed to read two of them. I'll explain why after I give a short summary of what the manga is about. Basically, this girl receives a letter from herself in the future; her future self is ten years older than she is at the present time of the story. The purpose of the letter is for her to change things, to not make the same mistakes. The girl's future self doesn't want her to carry regret for the rest of her life. In the letter, it says that one of her friends is no longer there, because he dies. So I guess, the real purpose of the letter is to save her friend from an accident that could have been prevented. "Saving Kakeru is our penance."

I couldn't read chapter three. I will eventually, but not today. It hurt too much to go further. I realized that I don't want to have regrets that will pain me for the rest of my life. I have at least a couple of regrets and I don't want to live with them forever. I don't want my future self to have too many regrets. I hope she doesn't...

1 comment:

  1. that is why you just go with the flow and be happy with what you got
