Friday, August 24, 2012

A Blissful Afternoon

Today, I went to Haley's house for lunch. She came to pick me up after gov school, and off we went. When we arrived, Mittens (THE CAT! SOOOOO CUTE!) led us to the house. I'm not even joking, that adorable cat led the way. (I'm a cat person; all of this talk about Mittens is kind of irrelevant though.) Shortly after arriving, Haley's mum, Abby (her sister), Haley, and I went outside to eat lunch. We had pesto pasta and buttered rolls, if you were wondering. It was really good. I like food.

After eating, the Gibbsters and I went inside and up to her room to hang out. We chatted a little bit and watched a couple of things. She finally got to see my hair. She seemed to be pretty excited, seeing as she combed my hair... After that, we put on this stuff (see picture below). It was really fun to see my face all green and have my hair up. I mean it, my hair was UP! Fun experience and very relaxing. Can't wait to do it again!

But the relaxation and enjoyment didn't stop there! We went outside and had ice cream and lychee tea. While outside, we talked about colleges and things like that. It was a peaceful time. After some time, we went back inside and upstairs to Haley's room. She showed me, which is really going to help with applications for college.

Being with Haley for the afternoon was honestly really wonderful. I felt so at ease. My worries and negativity wash away when I'm with her. She knows how to make people feel good. She's a great person to talk to. I don't hang out with Haley that often since she's always so busy, but I'm hoping that will change. I like being around Haley. I'm definitely glad that I met her and became friends with her in freshman year.

Life is good. :)


  1. "She showed me, which is really going to help with applications for college."

  2. Oops, I meant bad!

  3. I mean,'s no 's' in that
