Tuesday, July 2, 2013


Well, I got back home from California today. And while it feels nice to be back home in Virginia, I already miss California. For those of you wondering why I was in California, I was there for IFL (Institute for Leaders) and the FBLA NLC (National Leadership Conference). I participated in the Healthcare Administration event, which was just a test. Before I talk about the results and all of the sightseeing and Disney and excitement, I'm going to ramble about IFL. 

Institute for Leaders, or IFL, was a two day seminar (or so it says on the FBLA-PBL website) full of motivational talks and workshops. Honestly, IFL was really awkward. It was only awkward because I'm awkward though. I really don't know how to talk to people. I was really fortunate to become friends with someone though, a girl named Jessica from Colorado. I suppose we're more of acquaintances than friends, but I really do want to continue talking to her. Because of Jessica, I realized something important for future reference. During IFL, we had to get up and move around and obtain contact information from people. All of my conversations never surpassed the introductory stage, except my conversation with Jessica. For every 10-15 people or so that I interact with ever so slightly, there will always be someone who is willing to take a step towards me. In the case of IFL, that person was Jessica. Although I briefly talked to a girl from Tennessee named Michelle and a girl named Wendy from Washington, I don't think either of them really thought me as someone to keep in touch with. We were all just trying to survive IFL after all. We did some fun activities in the workshops and I actually learned a good bit about interviews and the like. And of course, we had speakers. Byron V. Garrett was one of our speakers. I really liked what he talked about. My favorite thing that he said during IFL was this: "You fail in life when you try to be someone else." We had our own version of Shark Tank and we got to meet Jason Lucash, a guy who was a contestant on Shark Tank. Jason has his own business called OrigAudio. I could continue into more detail, but my memory is starting to get fuzzy, plus I want to get to the rest of the festivities. 

The National Leadership Conference, or NLC, began on Thursday night (June 27th). I cannot even express how much I've enjoyed opening sessions of FBLA conferences. They always start with such upbeat music, upbeat enough to make someone start dancing. I think the opening session of NLC was one of my favorite parts because Judson Laipply was the keynote speaker. He was funny and inspirational at the same time. I laughed a lot. Judson actually danced at the opening session and it was awesome. I'm a bit behind on some of the cool stuff on YouTube, but you should totally check out the Evolution of Dance on YouTube! Because of Judson, I have discovered the struggle bus. There were lots of jokes made about that. Sometimes we're riding the struggle bus and sometimes we're chasing it. Anyway, NLC got off to a great start. 

We (Mrs. Woodward, Mrs. Good, Meagan, Kayla, Lauren, Mahek, and Gabby) ventured out to Disneyland on Friday evening after those of us who were competing finished with our events. It was pretty much the five of us (Meagan, Kayla, Lauren, Mahek, and I) the whole time on Friday. We went on a few rides in the main park, but didn't really get to the roller coasters. That was remedied on Saturday. We spent all day at Disneyland Adventure Park on Saturday. Needless to say, my feet hurt. We covered a lot of what we wanted to cover in the park on Saturday. We even got to see the World of Color show that night, which was cool. It was pretty late when we got back. I should add that we walked to and from Disney on Friday AND Saturday. Disney was fun, but draining at the same time. 

Sunday was somewhat boring and depressing. We had our regional voting session on Sunday morning, which took forever and was kind of boring. We went to Bubba Gump Shrimp Co. on Santa Monica Pier. I got to keep my light up plastic glass. We didn't have much to spend there since the drive there took forever. We missed our state photograph, but we were just in time for the awards ceremony/closing session. I was sitting there in anticipation until it came time for my event. I was so anxious about the results. Unfortunately, I didn't place in my event. And I won't lie, I did cry. I was upset that I didn't place. I still am a little upset. At the same time though, I did something amazing. Not everyone makes it to nationals on their first try. I should be proud of myself, but I don't know if I am. Yes, it's true that I left California with a slight regret, but I feel like this experience serves as a reminder to me that there will always be someone who performs better than I do. If I hadn't been pushed into taking that test some months ago, I never would have had this experience. And for that, I am grateful. After my event passed, it was pretty difficult to get through the rest of the ceremony because I didn't have a specific name that I was looking for. It was kind of funny to see the reactions of the people who placed. Some guy was really grumpy for whatever reason and basically snatched his award without a second glance. I wonder what his problem was. Another guy hugged the national officer who presented the award to him, which was funny because I don't think that the guys even knew each other, haha. 

The end of the closing session was dramatic and heartfelt. It was dramatic because they announced the next FBLA National President as well as the other officers; I was disappointed that Nick didn't win. I mean, I might be biased since he's from my state, but he's so brilliant and I really think he had the best speaking skills out of all of the candidates. Of course, I don't mean to say that Cole is the wrong choice, I just felt that Nick was better suited. I wish Cole all the best as the FBLA National President and I hope his experience is one that stays with him all through his life. The most heartfelt moment of the entire session occurred at the end. Each of the national officers, with the exception of Nikitas (former FBLA National President), stared directly at the crowd with voice-overs in the background. They didn't actually speak. It was meant to be as though you were listening in on their thoughts. They all looked like they were going to cry. I'm pretty sure they all teared up to some extent and/or tried their very best not to. As I was saying, the most heartfelt moment was when CJ (former FBLA National Treasurer) made the effort to stand up from his wheelchair. And on either side of him was a fellow officer holding him steady. Everyone in the convention center stood up then and there clapping and cheering. And me, I actually cried because of how moved I was. FBLA is an organization that stands for a lot of things, but I think what some people neglect to see or are incapable of seeing is that at the core of FBLA there is teamwork, support, determination, and perseverance. 

Since Sunday was somewhat boring and stressful, the five of us (Meagan, Kayla, Lauren, Mahek, and I) walked to IHOP for dinner after the awards/closing session was over. We just went crazy. I think it's because we were restricted from acting up for so long that we just let loose. I've never had such an amazing IHOP experience as I did on Sunday night. And it will be a long time before I have one that's just as crazy and funny. We laughed so much and so loudly that I'm almost certain some people were annoyed with us. I'm still amazed that we didn't get kicked out. That's how crazy we were. It was fun though. 

Honestly, I have gained so much from my FBLA experience, a lot more than I ever thought I would. Whenever Nikitas (former FBLA National President) spoke, he came across as calm, collected, and professional. I'm just so amazed that someone who is my age like Nikitas (or someone who is younger like Nick) can be well spoken. I know that I have the potential to be a good speaker, it just depends on how much I want it. I've been so inspired by all that has happened with FBLA this past week that I've decided to TRY starting up a PBL chapter at Shenandoah University. I think it's weird that SU doesn't have a PBL chapter. If I can follow through with my idea and round up enough support, SU will have a PBL chapter. Why do I sound so determined? I'm not ready to let this kind of experience fade away, especially when I can keep it going. I know that starting up a chapter will be difficult. I actually don't even know how to start one up but I have resources to help me do so. I know I can do this. 

(EDIT: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, I'M SO FUNNY. I lost my interest and desire in accomplishing this before I even got a few weeks into college. Sorry, it wasn't for me.)

California was great. We got to see the Hollywood sign, Beverly Hills, and the LA Film School. I'm glad to be home, but I do miss California. I miss all of the FBLA madness. I had such a good time. I don't know if I could ever live in California, but I'd like to go back. I'd like to walk those streets again and reminisce. Maybe someday I'll say goodbye to Virginia, but that day if it ever does come is far in the future. It's all just a musing for now. Thank you, California, for being so wonderful. 

One last thing though, before IFL ended, we sang a pretty fitting song together. Have a listen. :)


"I hopped off the plane at LAX with a dream and my cardigan. Welcome to the land of fame excess, whoa, am I gonna fit in? I jumped in the cab, here I am for the first time. Look to my right and I see the Hollywood sign."  -- Party in the USA by Miley Cyrus

(Yeah, we went there! And I'm so glad we sang along to this song, because now I have a connection to it. I've been to LAX and seen the Hollywood sign!)

Fall Out Boy's My Songs Know What You Did In The Dark was played a few times. Also, as we left the convention center after the awards/closing session ended, I was able to fully get back to myself while singing along to #thatPOWER by will.i.am as we made our way to the exit. (I only know Justin Bieber's part though, not will.i.am's.) During the awards ceremony, they mostly used an instrumental of will.i.am's Scream and Shout. It felt like a runway show. They used an instrumental of Ellie Goulding's Lights and Swedish House Mafia's Don't You Worry Child somewhere during the awards/closing session. 

FBLA is cool. That's all you need to know. 

Note: I left a lot of details out. I forgot to mention a lot of different things. I've probably forgotten some things already, but I can only remember so much. Anyway, I think you get the idea. I had a good time. 

EDIT: My interest and "passion" for FBLA-PBL has since fizzled out. It was a good ride, FBLA, and I thank you for it. Sorry PBL, I just don't have the time or the interest. 

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