Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Pointless Update

Well, I figured I should let you all know that I'm still alive. I'm feeling much better actually. I was having fevers on and off for almost two weeks along with some other symptoms and minor problems. I guess my will to fight against infection and disease, although weakened, hasn't left me. 

I've been thinking about all sorts of things. My two math classes have been causing me a good amount of worry. Thoughts of college applications make me uneasy and uncomfortable. I don't like thinking about the future because I find that nothing in life is certain. Regardless of that fact, I am forced to think about it and have some idea of what I'm supposed to want. 

Being sick wipes a person out and makes them a little...I'm not sure which word to use here. Yesterday, at Johns Hopkins, I couldn't help but think that the exit signs were bleeding. Is that weird? 

I had so much more that I wanted to say about how I was feeling, but now it's just not important. I'll talk about Merlin instead. I'm really enjoying the show. I'm close to finishing season 2. I love how it's so different from the Arthurian legend I know of. It's like nothing at all is the same. That's an exaggeration of course, but for the most part it's totally different. The way you meet the characters and the way they're presented is very interesting. I like how you get to see the characters change and grow throughout the show. I've become quite a fangirl of the show and I'm not ashamed one bit. 

And now I'm out of things to say. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go eat my fridge. Later.

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