Sunday, July 1, 2012

An Eventful Weekend

Yes, I'm going to blab about my weekend. I'm too lazy to split up the days so this will be a pretty lengthy post. I'd also like to mention that I'm not writing this post at my own house. I'm at my father's friend's house right now since our Internet isn't working so I find this situation hilarious. Anyway, time to talk about my weekend. 

On Friday, my father and I left home to go to my eldest brother's house. As usual, we stopped by and ate at a Desi restaurant then headed over to my brother's house. I was dropped off at my brother's house. Shortly after, my sister came over. We ate dinner together. Our father showed up earlier than we thought he would. Not too long after he arrived, my brother's wife arrived at home as well. We all just kind of sat around and had some slight conversation. And then the storm came...the wind was extremely powerful. It made the house shake. I have to admit that I was afraid in the short amount of time that the wind was acting up. Fortunately for us, power didn't go out so YAY!

Saturday was the most eventful day of the entire weekend. My brother's in-laws came over since the power was out. Well, it was really only just his mother-in-law, brother-in-law, niece, and nephew who came over. A little bit after 3, we (my brother, my father, and I) went to Romana's house. Romana roomed with my sister in college so my family is fairly close to her. There were other people there as well. At the time that we showed up at, there were only girls there. I'm pretty sure that most of them, if not all of them, are Bengali, like Romana. So these Bengali people were talking about their two names and I muttered to Romana something along the lines of, "Pakistanis don't understand the two names thing." I meant that jokingly of course. All joking aside, Bengali people are really awesome. Seriously, they're really awesome.

After visiting Romana and eating some good food, we (my brother, my father, and I) went back to my brother's house to get ready for the wedding of a family friend's daughter. Her name is Amna. I realized on Saturday that I really love weddings, but I also really hate them. I love weddings because of the speeches, the food, the Desi music, and the fun. I hate weddings because I have to get dressed up and that annoys me. Sometimes, weddings can be really awkward too. I enjoyed Amna's wedding though. She married a Bengali guy, which I think is really funny and cute...don't ask me to explain that. I actually cried at her wedding during her brother's speech. I couldn't help it, it was so heartfelt. Although, while the earlier speeches were happening, my sister was making jokes and my brother, his wife, and I were laughing because of them. Weddings are always fun when I have my family with me. Going to weddings makes me want to get married and I have no clue why that is...

We arrived home before 12. I think we all went to sleep before 1. I was pretty tired after the wedding. I spent Sunday afternoon hanging out with my sister, my brother, his wife, and Ayyoob, my brother's nephew. (He wouldn't be considered my nephew, right?) It was an entertaining afternoon. I'm getting lazy now so I don't really feel like expanding on any of this. Ayyoob is cute. That's all you need to know.

Oh, I almost forgot to mention one of my highlights of the weekend. I had a nice chat with my brother's mother-in-law on Saturday before we left for the wedding. I got asked about my future. I told her that it's easy for me to just say that I want to be a doctor and that I don't even know where I want to go for college. I told her about what society expects from me since I'm Desi. She said it's different back home in India and Pakistan and that there are really only two career options: doctor or engineer. She spoke of how America is so different, how there are so many different options. The thing is that I'm not interested in much. Teaching is a definite no for me. Law is a no. You'd never catch me in politics. And I can't see myself as a writer. She told me that it's strictly my decision to decide where to go for college and what kind of a career I want to pursue. I guess that's where the problem sets in. I just don't know what I want. Some people have an idea of what they want and some people are indecisive like me. This is why I don't like planning for the future. 

I'm pretty sure I've forgotten to mention something important, but oh well. As you can see, my thoughts are scattered and don't flow too well. Not to mention, I'm far too lazy to say anything more in regards to how this Sunday has gone. Bye for now.

1 comment:

  1. yes long post, but BENGALIS REPRESENT! Ami khub khushi. I could write about the career stuff but we have talked about that already. no point supporting points I don't know I can fully believe in.
