Wednesday, November 27, 2013


I have an ISFJ personality type according to an online test based off of the Myers-Briggs test. I, for the most part, agree with everything that is said, assuming that the test and results are accurate.

ISFJs have a lot of feelings. That being said, I am a very emotional creature and I struggle with that all the time. I'm okay at expressing my emotions, I think. I'm not sure if I've gotten better at expressing the way I feel or not. I'm the first to let you know when and if I'm happy, because you will hear me. Sadness and loneliness are feelings that I'm still working on being honest about. I'm not very good at hiding my feelings so I think people generally see right through me as a result. Negativity when allowed to settle in and take root is hard to unlearn. I go through phases of optimism and pessimism, but am generally a pessimistic person by nature which might be considered odd because I'm an idealist and a complete dreamer at heart. I'd like to believe that I look for the best in people, but I don't know if I truly do or not. I'm pretty critical and judgmental towards myself. I know that I'm hard on myself, but I don't know how not to be. Accepting yourself is one of the hardest things a person has to do. Acceptance of yourself, I think, determines your level of confidence.

There are some sources online that describe ISFJs by their "need to be needed." I don't know about other ISFJs, but I find this to be particularly true for myself. I do need to be needed. I require a lot of attention, which might not show very easily, but I think it does. I'm someone who needs constant encouragement and support. For me, constant encouragement and support means smiles, hugs, hands to hold, ears ready to listen, and kind words. I can fall apart very quickly and get lost in a depressed state without positivity from others. And as I'm sure you can probably assume, I don't do well with criticism because I'm overly sensitive about everything.

Apparently, ISFJs learn best through practical applications. Heh, I don't know what to think about that considering that I'm not a fan of practical applications. Or rather, it's not so much that I dislike practical applications, I just like being shown what to do so that I know I'm doing things correctly, which is why labs can be difficult for me. That and I'm a slow worker. I can get something done for you, but I need to be allowed to work at my own pace. I don't like time constraints for that reason. I'm a firm believer that time constraints are not at all indicative of your knowledge or comprehension on a subject and should never be used to determine a person's level of intelligence. Time constraints are inconclusive.

ISFJs are often described as loyal, caring, and deep people. Er, well, I suppose that fits me. Someone once told me that I was/am a deep person. *shrug* I'm actually kind of obnoxious because I like to know about people's lives like who they are and how they feel. I like listening to others and it's kind of the only thing that I can do, and I often regret that I can't be of any help beyond that. I think of myself as someone who falls for people too easily. When I say that, I mean that I care too much and focus in on the parts of people that I like. For example, someone might see a person as being slightly socially awkward, but I'm over here fangirling over how kind said person is. Whoosh. I guess that's an indirect way of saying that I don't readily notice people's faults and imperfections, only their perfections. And yes, that example I just provided is actually (and very sadly) real. I'm attracted to the kindness in people, and have a really bad habit of chasing after it. I believe that kindness is one of the most beautiful qualities a person can have.

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