Tuesday, August 13, 2013


Somehow, I feel like I've already talked about expectations on a previous post, but whatever. You get to hear about them again. 

Today, my dad and I went to meet Mr. Wilkins, Jr. I received a scholarship from SU in his father's name. He told me about SU's humble beginnings and his father's hard work to help the university become what it is today. I also found out that Mrs. Cutshaw was the first recipient of the Wilkins scholarship, which was surprising and not surprising at the same time. It surprised me because I honestly didn't expect to hear about her. It didn't surprise me because that's just like her. Kind of a contradiction, I know. 

Anyway, just before we left after meeting him, he basically wished the best for me. I can't really remember much from this morning anymore, but I think he said something about how people who get this scholarship end up doing great things. BAM. Expectation right there. 

I'm not upset at his words or mannerisms or anything, because I'm guilty of having expectations too. Most of us, if not all, are guilty of it. Expectations can put such pressure on people though. It all depends on the person. Some people just brush it off. And others feel burdened by the mere thought of making a mistake. I'm one of the latter. 

When I was younger, I knew what I wanted to be. I knew what I wanted to do. As I've gotten older, I've become unsure. It's silly to want to match up to what people expect of me, I know that. Being the youngest in my family and living in a competitive country as it is doesn't make it any easier though. If anything, it makes it more difficult. I've always felt pressured to do well. I've been trained to believe that I must do well or else. 

If we had no expectations of people, would anything get done at all? Or is that a silly musing? I wonder.

1 comment:

  1. price of being exposed. If you don't want others expectations then hide yourself. Not going to do that? ok then get used to it. Just acknowledge it...then ignore it for the time being haha.
