Thursday, March 14, 2013

Pi Day

Well...Tomy blogged and Sam has blogged. So methinks I should blog too. Hi!

Today is Pi Day (3.14)! Unfortunately, I didn't have pie today, but would have liked to. Instead, my Calculus classmates and I were given a test, which I'm certain I failed badly. I made up a Calculus quiz that I had been dreading for the longest time ever. I'm sure I made a few mistakes, probably more. I felt pretty good about it, but I know I shouldn't since that probably means I failed. I have zero confidence when it comes to Calculus, or math in general these days. 

The rest of the day went fine. I felt horrible during second block, but it's no different than usual. Calculus always makes me feel. It's rare if I ever feel good after Calculus. Although, I did manage to get a bit of work done in Web Tech, which was a pleasant surprise. It seems that I will be back on track by next week. Nothing really special happened for the rest of the school day. 

After school was a different story. After my quiz, I went to the library to see what Book Club was up to since Sarah and Libby suggested that I drop by. Well, the Book Club meeting was just ending. (I always wanted to be part of Book Club and still do.) I was surprised to see that Joel was a member. I never knew that he was so it was a really nice discovery. I was also surprised at his demeanor. He was exceptionally kind and eloquent. It's always amazing to me when I'm able to hold a conversation with someone that I rarely talk to or associate with. Joel, Morgan, and I are so cool that we discussed our favorite pie in honor of Pi Day. We're cool. 

Not much else to report on my end for now. I'm really excited for tomorrow though: Beware the Ides of March. (Joel and Morgan understand my excitement.)

There will be an update of all the things I've been watching (and maybe even reading) in the next few days or week to come. Netflix is fun! :D

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