Friday, February 8, 2013

An Update of All Things Netflix, Anime, and Manga

By the sound of this blog post, everyone will be aware of just how much time I've been procrastinating. Anyway, I have a lot to update on. I think I'll start with the Asian stuff first. 

Okay. Korean dramas. I finished watching 49 Days, which was absolutely gorgeous and so well done. It had an amazing story line and I just loved the idea of it. It was extremely depressing and made me cry. It had numerous themes: life, death, love, friendship, betrayal, etc. The main character died when it wasn't her time and was given a second chance to live again by inhabiting the body of a woman and trying to find three people who truly love her, outside of her family. Her goal was to collect tears from those three people. It made me wonder about who truly loves me, outside of my family. It made me think about life and death a lot more. It made me curious about what true love feels like. 

I've also watched and finished You're Beautiful and Heartstrings, both of which star Park Shin-hye and Jung Yong-hwa. In all honesty, while I did enjoy You're Beautiful, I liked Heartstrings much more. I really enjoy shows where the relationship between the main girl and the main guy is one of dislike. And then as time passes, the relationship begins to blossom into something more and the characters realize they have feelings for the other. I wonder if that ever happens in real life. Anyway, both dramas involved music. I think the reason why I liked Heartstrings more was in part due to the fact that Park Shin-hye and Jung Yong-hwa's characters get a second chance at love. It also felt more comfortable and easier to relate to since it developed in a college setting. Although, I did like how all three guys end up falling for Park Shin-hye's character in You're Beautiful. Still, Heartstrings moved me more. 

I don't ever usually watch anything outside of Korean stuff, when it comes to dramas and movies, but I somehow ended up watching a Taiwanese movie called Miao Miao. I actually really liked it. It wasn't an action movie. It was a soft movie with the major themes being friendship and love. It was sweet and bitter at the same time, a nice depiction of the beginning of the emotional journey that is life. 

I'm currently in the process of watching a Japanese movie called Rainbow Song. I really like it. It makes me sad inside though, because it's basically one of those movies where a guy and a girl who are friends end up falling for each other and neither one has the courage to say that they care about the other. Then, they lose their chance forever. I haven't actually finished it yet, but it makes me regret not saying, "I love you" when I should have, especially in the moment when I knew that I'd never get the chance to say it again. 

Onto anime now. I haven't actually been watching anything as of recently since I've been so focused on K-dramas. I did discover that one of my friends from camp, Breanne, likes anime too. That makes me happy because I can add one more thing that the two of us have in common. :)

As for manga, I recently finished After School Nightmare. It was interesting and different than the usual stuff. I liked it. I read and finished Legal Drug and started the ongoing continuation of it called Drug & Drop. I also started Blood C. I love my CLAMP! Watanuki shows up in D&D. I was so happy! I love Watanuki. Kohaku, from Kobato, also appears. It makes me very happy to see them. 

While I have been watching the K-dramas and movies on Netflix, I've been watching a couple of TV shows. One of them is a Canadian cartoon called Ruby Gloom, which I absolutely love. It's a gothic style cartoon, but the main character Ruby Gloom is so positive. The show is really funny. I'm glad that not that many people know about it, but it still makes me sad though, because people won't get to experience the awesomeness that is Ruby Gloom. 

And now for the grand finale! A little while back ago, I thought I'd check out Doctor Who. I finished the third episode of the first season recently. I'm currently asking myself why I wasn't watching it before. I really really enjoy it. It's amazing. I'm glad my curiosity got the best of me. I found a treasure and I'm not backing out now.

I haven't finished Merlin yet, even though it's over and done with. I also haven't finished a couple of Korean dramas, Summer Scent and Autumn in My Heart. Right now though, I want to focus on Doctor Who. 

Yes...this is what my spare time consists of. Don't judge me. 

Monday, February 4, 2013


People are strange. They are never what you expect them to be. I should know that by now. I'm amazed and fascinated with the people around me. I feel so much for them, especially for the ones who are struggling with something. How have they managed to be strong for so long? People think I'm strong, but compared to the people I've met, I feel as though I pale in comparison. 

People hide so much. They keep so much inside. It's just not healthy. I worry for some of the people that I know. What's going to happen to them when they break? I can't let them break. The sad truth is that when some people break, they can never pull themselves back together. I don't want that to happen to anyone. 

I want people to realize that I do care. Yes, I'll admit that I am a nosy person and I'm extremely curious, but I'm not crude and heartless. I don't give good advice, or rather I suck at it. But I'm always willing to listen. It makes me feel good to hear other people talk about what they are dealing with. It puts things into perspective for me. 

I just want to help people. I don't know how I can, but I want to nonetheless. I want people to trust me. I want to be one of the "good guys."